Botanical Name: Polianthes tuberosa
Origin: India
Family: Nelumbonaceae
Part used: Flower
Extraction Method: Solvent Extraction
Appearance (Color): Amber
Smell Type: Sweet
Solubility: Soluble in Alcohols and insoluble in water
Tuberose oil Contents: menthyl benzoate, menthyl anthranilate, benzyl alcohol, butyric acid, eugenol, nerol, farnesol and geraniol.
Description: Tuberose is a tall, narrow perennial with long thin leaves and a tuberous root. The aromatic flowers and large and white. Tuberose may grow wild in Mexico and surrounding countries, but the cultivation of tuberose is usually in Morocco, the Comores Islands, France, Hawaii, South Africa, India, and China.
Uses: Tuberose has a fresh earthy aroma with floral, spice - like notes.Tuberose is one of the ancient flowers and has been used for several purposes. Perfumes made by tuberose are considered to be simply fabulous. Its unique aroma can really rejuvenate one mind and body. The magical fragrance is also used during intimate times. Its fragrance can enhance the fantasy factor. And yield you wonderful bedtime.
Blending Property: Turberose can be easily blended for aromatic purposes. The combination are endless and very dependent upon individual tastes.
Size |
10ml (Sample), 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1.0 Kg |